GLASS BUBBLES for cement solutions
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ADDEZ HGS C Glass Bubbles for oil and gas cementing as a lightweight alternative to cenospheres. Engineered hollow glass microspheres provide petroleum engineers with a consistent source of supply as well as performance reliability in low density cementing.
The introduction further expands the company’s comprehensive line of glass bubbles. ADDEZ HGS C will help to increase confidence by reducing some of the risks associated with cenospheres and are expected to provide increased reliability for cementing in demanding applications. ADDEZ HGS C glass bubbles offer a high strength to density ratio and are designed to be lightweight with a high compressive strength for processing survival. The density of ADDEZ HGS C glass bubbles is 0.65 g/cc (kg/m3) compared to commercially available cenospheres which range anywhere from 0.65-0.9 g/cc depending upon source of supply.